Ratio7 | Add Special Zing to Twitter
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Add Special Zing to Twitter

30 Aug Add Special Zing to Twitter

You are running around social networking land like mad, trying to make an impression for you and/or your business. You are trying to build your brand-either corporate or business. You are on LinkedIn, Facebook, FriendFeed and Twitter (perhaps more). LinkedIn and Facebook offer nothing in terms of customization, but Twitter…ah….

While Twitter provides easy to use background template designs, they are used by the vast majority of Twitter members and don’t allow for adding graphics or text. Your Twitter background is an opportunity for more people to learn about you and see a link to your website or blog.

However, Twitter does allow for you to upload a background as a single page. A graphic designer can create a custom background and embed your logo, your image, a bio and links which acts like an advertisement for your business or services! Be forewarned. Links are simply text, they are not hyperlinks so people cannot click on them. This is Twitter’s fault-not your designers!

Ratio7 offers full service graphic design, including Twitter backgrounds as well as WordPress blog and site themes, print, logo and Web design to make your business more visible! Call or email us for a free consultation now.