01 Nov Does Your Website Say Wow?
More to the point, do you know how to make it say wow? Let’s face it most of us know a good website when we see one. It’s also fair to say we can easily spot a bad website. Bad websites make us flee to other, safer havens. Good ones make us stick around and explore what there is to offer, even if we only intended to take a quick look in the first place.
This is where we can see the difference between designing your own site and getting a pro to do it for you. Many people want to save money and do it themselves, but this method isn’t always backed up by the degree of knowledge that is required to get that wow factor in place.
The first step in making your website say wow is to figure out how you want to wow people. There are a million and one ways to do it and you need to know which one you are going to use. Trying to construct a website with more than one aim often leads to a messy and disorganised site that tries to do too much and achieves nothing.
All good websites have a focus. This focus helps them to achieve the much sought after wow factor. For instance it might be to sell products. It might be to educate people on a specific subject. It might be to promote a service. If you look at websites that clearly don’t say wow, you will probably see that their offerings are confusing and perhaps overwhelming too. Sometimes simple is better and it certainly helps you to understand where you can get the wow factor from.
If you’re totally in the dark about where to start and how to achieve the look you want for your website, start by looking elsewhere. Websites that are already successful can give you clues as to how it’s done. The worst thing you can do is to jump in without thinking it through first. Remember this – no website that has the wow factor ever got it through luck alone.